Science from the wheatbag lab.
For some time now - The Australian Wheatbag Store has been conducting wheatbag research. Here is just a small part of what we have found so far:
In this graph we show you how hard wheat (the good stuff) compares with barley.
People experiment with various grains but our research shows that wheat is better to significantly better (as in this case) than alternatives in its heat holding performance.
Each experiment uses three sensors; inside (core) the wheatbag, outside (surface) and just under the skin (subcutaneously) ...ouch! What can what can we say, we are dedicated to our products!
As you can see from the plot above, wheat heats up much better and holds heat for much longer than the barley.
We knew it already, of course, but there is nothing like good old hard evidence to prove our point.
13-11-2015 14:35:22
The Large Rectangular Wheatbag, the old time favourite shape, is now available in a classic thick and luxurious corduroy fabric. It may never make it to the website so therefore you can only buy it from us in person or by phoning or emailing us your order. They are by default lavender scented but if you like we can custom make any scent in there for you. Get in quickly before they all get snapped up.
13-11-2015 12:34:45
WHEAT OR LUPINS - WARNING. Science from the wheatbag lab.
Part 2
In our last newsletter we compared the certified organically grown quality hard wheat we use for our wheatbags versus lupins (feed lupins that are toxic to humans to ingest). This time we show you how SOFT wheat compares with feed lupins.
We found that even poor quality wheat outperforms lupins. This is contrary to claims made by lupin heat bag makers. Where is the science to back up your claims, we ask (Show us the data :)! Scientific measurement shows that even softer, dustier and dirtier, low quality animal feed wheat is better than lupins!
Bearing in mind that if lupins are ingested accidentally by a child, for example, you could very well have a catastrophic scenario on hand. Wheat is a clear winner as it holds heat for longer and is non-toxic, in fact edible
Each experiment uses three sensors; inside (core) the wheatbag, outside (surface) and just under the skin (subcutaneously) ...ouch! What can what can we say, we are dedicated to our product !
As you can see from the plot above, wheat heats up much better and holds heat much better than the lupins.
We knew it already, of course, but there is nothing like good old hard evidence to prove our point.
WARNING: Lupins can kill when ingested. 1) Alcaloid contained in lupins has killed in the past when ingested.
2) People with Peanut allergies may be particularly vulnerable.
3) The adverse reaction to lupins seems to be increasing as people consume more. One of the sources
The Australian Wheatbag store is an established, eco friendly design business with community roots. We are focused on delivering exceptional, ergonomically-designed and handmade wheatbags with a funky, contemporary style and look for discerning customers.We use sustainable and innovative means and design applications to ensure our products will provide many years of comfort, relaxation, pain relief and pure pleasure.